L-33 Solo

Registration nr. OK-5423
Year of build 1995
661 total hours
772 total landings
ARC valid until 3/2015
Very good condition
Standar instrument
LS5 radio with digital panel
No trailer and parachute

Price 5.000EUR


Jummala äge pill. Ja veel metallist, väärtus:33km.

Damaged in 1996 and 2000, repaired as new by LET Kunovice factory


Hello Lauri,

Glider is still for sale.
Cockpit load is 130kg, so.... big pilot can sit inside. I am 185cm/85kg and everthing is OK
I will look for some pictures and documents about damages. I don't have it now.

Both accident was the same. High grass, restless pilot (many flight hr. but afew on this gld.), wing fall on ground, no reaction, side sliding, ... But if you do it with composite glider, everything could be OK.

I use L33 for new solo pilot with 30-40 fligth hours for last 7 years. We don't have any accidents with them.

Tow hook is CG only.
Glider don't have winch takeoff

Visite is possible, glider have asurance and ARC valid.

Bast regards

Jan Jindra
AK Roudnice

Tundub nagu plaan! Paistab korraliku road-tripi moodi, ühe raksuga nii vajalik käru kui purjekas ära tuua.

Ajame siis asja tõsiseks. Kes siis endale osakuid soovib märkida? Ülar andis juba üsna kindla nõusoleku. Raul? Arvan, et eriti palju neid osanikke ei peagi olema.

Tehas on sellest klubist ~200km. Kui juba seal Tšehhis olla, siis minu ettepanek oleks lasta talle seal see ninalukk ka tehases ära paigaldada. On täitsa saadaval, lisab ~0.8kg kaalu. Äkki õnnestub nii kokku leppida, et joome mõne päeva seal õlut ja tehakse ära. Me kõik ikka suhteliselt algajad ja ka staažikamatel meestel oli suvel puksiiris ärevaid hetki..


lk 4 ja edasi

"Our first conclusion was that, in the event of this sequence occurring accidentally as
a result of an inadvertent pitch up by the glider pilot, there was effectively no chance
that either the glider pilot or tow-pilot would recognise the problem and pull the
release in the available time. "

Rõõm kuulda, et see purilennuk jõuab uueks lennuhooajaks Ridali :).


Oot, oot, mida on kuulda selle purilennuki kohta ja kas asi läheb ka tõsiseks (et tuuaksegi ära?) Kui tuuakse, siis selle aasta algajaid purilendureid ei jõua mina küll ära kiita! Tubli!

Suhtlus käib müüja ja tehasega. Einar aitab ja nõustab ullikesi Smile Praegu on vaja külla sõita, tehasest pakkumine ülevaatuse ja ninaluku jaoks. Kuangi kevadel ootab ka üks vahva eurotrip ees haagisega mida meil veel ei ole. Mõtlemist veel on. Raul,Veiko,Ilona,Ülar,allakirjutanu

Saime täna lepingu ja käsiraha meie "Lady Jane" eest läks ka Allahi abiga tšehhide poole. Jõulupeol põhjust tähistada! Lol

Good morning Mr. Elevant,

Reason why I didn’t replay question from last week immediately is that right now we are in process of establishing of new company Blanik Aircraf CZ which will be responsible for new production and support of existing fleet.

Aircraft Industries will not provide support for gliders anymore since new year.

I am trying to find some reports about repair but right now I don’t have any written documents.

Regarding your question of ARC possibilities there is the company Slovacky Aeroklub Kunovice fully qualify to provide annual inspection and ARC for gliders. Please Contact Mr. Tomas Kralik head of maintenance facility cell phone +420 605 141 989. Email is above. I already talk with him about your request and he will give you proposal.

In case you will need any assistance we will happy to help you.

Best regards
Václav Křížek

Gliders program manager

tel. +420 572 816 860, mobil: +420 733 662 194, e-mail: vaclav.krizek@let.cz

Suurepärane teade! Jõuluime on ikkagi olemas Smile