Ukrainas läbiti kolmnurkmarsruut 1015 km !

Mit Nimbus-4DM FAI Dreieck über 1015 km in der Ukraine


Dymitry startete auf dem Flugplatz Kyiv Antonov zum bisher größten FAI Dreieck in der Ukraine. Wir gratulieren Dymitry Borovyk zu dieser außergewöhnlichen Leistung.

Hier sein Kommentar zum Flug: “I started my flight at 10 a clock. The cloudbase was 1600 m with climbs about 2 - 2,5 m/s. The distance to the first WP was 380 km, I had to deal with a head wind of 25 km/h. Approximately for 100 km up to the first WP weather has worsened up to 1,5 - 2 m/s. Speed on the first leg has turned out 96 km/h. The second leg was 375 km/h, but with a good tail wind and the cloudbase of 2000 m. Average speed on the second WP was 114 km/h. The third leg was the most difficult. For 180 km up to finish was the big disintegration of clouds and snow. It was already 6 PM and the clouds didn’t work any more. I had doubts to make the task, but at a height of 500 m I caught a thermal with a climb of 2-3 m/s up to 2500 m NN. The rest was no problem. I finished at 7:20 PM. It was the biggest triangular route..”



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